Innovation Consulting

We provide technology expert consulting tailored to your needs.

Our consulting services are designed for clients coming from technology development driven companies, universities, research organisations and investors. They are tailored to be suitable for a particular situation or purpose of each individual client. Our team of technology experts brings knowledge of the industry sectors, value chain and key markets. We are nanomaterials experts, specialised in carbon nanomaterials, with applications development and commercialisation experience in sectors ranging from energy to transport and biomedical. Our knowledge, experience, contacts and workshops enable us to conduct in-depth research and have meaningful peer level conversation with experts across the world.  We will provide one to one support and act as a part of your team helping in evaluating existing technologies and services, accelerating innovation processes, strategy for development of new product and service, exploring and maximising the potential for market exploitation. Our services include:

We provide Technology Development Strategy Services and Technology Monitoring and Acquisition Support designed to be suitable for the technology development on the full range of Technology Readiness Level.

Technology Development Strategy Services:

IP Landscaping and Key Players Mapping
Business Modelling
Business Architecture and Planning
Technology Development Roadmapping.

Technology Monitoring and Acquisition Support:

Technology Monitoring Reports/Newsletters
Technology Pathfinder and Monitoring Workshops
Technology Investment and Acquisition
Technology Development Community, Incubators and Accelerators

Please visit our Communities with various thematic providing technology development support with virtual EXPOs, dedicated Workshops and Newsletters.

Please visit our Success Stories for examples of support that we provided to the companies, government agencies, universities and research organisations.

contact us for our support

We would be happy to arrange for one of our experts to contact you to discuss how we can help with our services, and build a dedicated virtual exhibition booth for you, according to your needs. Visit our communities and subscribe to our free newsletters.