NanoMATexpo Community Membership
Membership in the NanoMATexpo community is free and provides access to community-related information and regular updates about community activities and networking, in-person, hybrid, and online events. You would receive the community newsletter regularly.
Advanced Membership gives you access to additional opportunities and services, such as your personalised virtual EXPO booth, exhibition desk at our in-person events, invitations to non-public meetings, and the planning of joint collaborative activities such as government-funded Horizon Europe and Innovate UK R&D projects.
Additional services for the Advanced Membership are discussed individually with members and tailor-made to fit their needs and requirements. Advanced Membership service packages are categorised based on the service levels into Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
If you are interested in becoming a member of one or more of our communities, please fill out the form to register your interest or send us an email at: Following your membership acceptance, we will discuss with you the membership level and service package that you would like to have.
Members of our government-funded collaborative R&D project consortiums, such as Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, and Innovate UK, are offered some advanced membership services, like virtual EXPO booths, free of charge for the duration of the project in order to support their exploitation and dissemination activities.