European pilot production pitching event

European pilot production pitching event in Brussels attracted potential users

Partners – European pilot production facilities

European Commission has been identified need for development and support of pilot production facilities in Europe in order to achieve engineering and upscaling strategy goals. 

  • Dr Bojan Boskovic worked together with Dr Gerhard Goldbeck as consultants for the European Commission on development of strategy for engineering and upscaling. In order to achieve the strategy goals a need has been identified for development pilot production facilities, materials characterisation and materials modelling capacity and safety and standardisation activities in Europe
  • A white paper related to development of the Open Innovation Environment (OIE) in materials characterisation and materials modelling has been prepared describing needs and actions supported by the European Horizon 2020 OYSTER project.
  • Support for pilot production facilities in Europe has been conducted by European Pilot Production Network (EPPN) project that has been used to develop an online tool with an aim to connects a European pilot production facilities with SMEs, startups and large enterprises.
  • As a part of the EPPN project activities Dr Bojan Boskovic and Dr Jelena Aleksic organised pilot production pitching event in Brussels. Pilot production facilities owners were mapped and invited to the event. A template for the uniform pitching presentations has been developed and distributed to pilot facilities owners with additional instructions and guidance how to prepare presentation.
  • Potential users of the pilot production facilities have been mapped and attracted to participate at the pitching event.

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